GHB(Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)


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Chemical Names: Hydroxybutyrates, γ-Hydroxybutyric acid; γ-Hydroxybutyrate; GHB
Molecular Formula: C4H8O3
Classification: Hydroxybutyrates
Molecular Weight: 104.10 g/mol
IUPAC Name: 4-Hydroxybutanoic acid

Buy Gamma HydroxyButyrate Online 

Buy Gamma HydroxyButyrate Online buy gamma hydroxybutyrate online GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate or gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid) is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant that produces an alcohol-like intoxication. Almost always consumed orally, GHB comes in liquid form and has a salty-soapy taste.
GHB is used medically for the treatment of narcolepsy and is also a naturally occurring brain chemical or neurotransmitter.
Two industrial chemicals, GBL (gamma-butyrolactone) and BD (1,4-butanediol) convert to GHB in the bloodstream. They are also consumed in liquid form, although they have a more bitter, and unpleasant taste than GHB.
All three chemicals (GHB, GBL, and BD) are often interchangeably referred to as “G.”

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GHB, GBL, and BD are sedatives that can make the user feel relaxed and more sociable.
Side effects can include dizziness, sleepiness, minor muscle spasms, nausea, and vomiting.
At high doses, they can cause a temporary coma or loss of consciousness. (The user passes out and cannot be woken up for 4-5 hours.)
Effects from GHB and GBL can be felt within 30 minutes and last about 3-4 hours. BD takes longer to feel, and its effects last longer.
Because G is almost always diluted into a liquid in varying concentrations, dosing can be difficult. A teaspoon is often a normal dose, but it could also be too much.

gamma hydroxybutyrate ghb

Start small (half or quarter of a teaspoon) in order to find the right dose that works for you. Wait at least two hours before redosing. Many overdoses have occurred from people not waiting long enough before taking more.
Remember, G is extremely dose sensitive. Even a slightly higher dose than normal can cause loss of consciousness.
Using a measuring spoon, dropper, or syringe is a good way to accurately measure your dose each time.
GHB tends to settle at the bottom of the bottle, causing later doses to be stronger than earlier ones. To minimize this effect, always shake your bottle before pouring your dose. buy gamma hydroxybutyrate ghb

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Combining G with alcohol, opiates, benzos, or any other CNS depressant is extremely dangerous and can be fatal, even if taken several hours apart.
Never use G alone. If you pass out, your breathing passage can become blocked and you could suffocate.
G has a moderate to high addiction potential. Daily use can lead to severe, physical withdrawal symptoms requiring medical assistance.
Like alcohol, G impairs judgment and motor functioning. Don’t drive on G. Even if you think you can drive fine, the effects of G can suddenly become stronger.
Don’t store G in a bottle that could be mistaken for water. Some people dye their G blue with food coloring in order to distinguish it from water and help prevent accidental dosing.
GHB and GBL are illegal under federal and state laws. BD is banned under analog laws in several states. Possession can result in long prison sentences.
Be self-aware! If you choose to use G, having an intention is the best way to maximize the benefits and reduce the risks.

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